Open Access Week 2016
Events during Open Access Week 2016
Poster exhibition "OPEN IN ACTION" in Berlin-Brandenburg
Presented are all facets of open access: structures for publication of scientific results as well as research data bases, longterm digitization strategies as well as innovative pilot projects, infrastructure offerings of libraries as well as singular initiatives. The exhibition will be shown at different places in Berlin and subsequently published as an open access publication.
Place: Foyer of Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum as well as at Free and Technical University
Duration: 24.-28.10.2016
OpenAIRE Lunchtime Webinars
Everyday another topic, always at 12 am CEST.
Monday: The fundamentals of Open Science with Tony Ross-Hellauer, Paola Masuzzo and Chris Hartgerink
Thursday: H2020 Open Access mandate for project coordinators and researchers with Eloy Rodrigues and Pedro Principe
Wednesday: Open Research Data in H2020 and Zenodo repository with Marjan Grootveld and Krzysztof Nowak
Thursday: Policies for Open Science: webinar for research managers and policy makers with Marina Angelaki, Alma Swan and Tony Ross-Hellauer
Friday: OpenAIRE guidelines and broker service for repository managers with Pedro Principe and Paolo Manghi
Registration: https://goo.gl/HIcpJT
Duration: 24.-28.10.2016
Helmholtz Open Access Webinar for PhDs
The Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office offers a free webinar about Open Access for PhDs.
Topic: Science is open: an introduction to open access
Target group: Helmholtz-PhDs and guests
Date: 25.10.2016 from 3 pm till 3.30 pm with a rerun at 28.10.2016 from 11.00 till 11.30 am (registration is not necessary)
Further information: http://os.helmholtz.de/de/bewusstsein-schaerfen/workshops/open-access-webinar-for-helmholtz-phd-students-2016/
COAR Webinar
The Confederation of Open Access Repositories offers a free webinar about repositories.
Topic: Next Generation Repositories
Date: 25.10.2016 at 10 am (8.00 am GMT) with rerun at 5 pm (3.00 pm GMT)
Further information and registration: https://www.coar-repositories.org/activities/webinar-and-discussion/webinar-next-generation-repositories
Further events also at http://openaccessweek.org