Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Research data management

Love Data Week 2023

Love Data Week 2023

The RDM initiative of HU Berlin is offering an extensive program of events again this year as part of the international "Love Data Week" campaign.

Researchers generate extensive data sets in the course of their work. Storing this data securely and describing it in a comprehensible way can be challenging.

Tips and tricks for handling research data will be provided in the form of information and training events from February 13 to 17, 2023.

The program of the FDM initiative as part of Love Data Week:

Monday, February 13, 2023:

10:00-10:45 Live recording "How history is going digital - an interview with Professor Torsten Hiltmann" (in German, via Zoom)

Tuesday, February 14, 2023:

10:00-12:00 Workshop "Research Data Management" for PhD students (registration required).

13:00-15:00 Workshop "Data Publishing" for PhD students (registration required).

Wednesday, February 15, 2023:

13:00-13:15 Coffee Lecture "Research Data Management at HU Berlin" (in German, via Zoom)

Thursday, February 16, 2023:

14:00-15:30 “Let's play Lego®! Experience reproducible research in a hands-on way” in cooperation with FU Berlin (German and English, registration required)

Friday, February 17, 2023:

10:00-12:00 Workshop “OpenRefine as a tool in research data management” in cooperation with FU Berlin and TU Berlin (in German, registration required)

13:00-13:30 Coffee Lecture "Update FDM: A maturity model for institutional research data management (FDNext)" (in German, via Zoom)

Many more events in Berlin and Brandenburg can be found here:

An overview of all events is available here: