Exam Samples
The examples presented serve to illustrate how e-examinations can be prepared, carried out and supported in the various disciplines. However, they only show possibilities, as the examination design is not only influenced by the subject content and objectives of the final module examinations, but also by the individual competences and resources of the examiners.
Preparation, support and carrying out of an e-examination
Example 1:
MAP Logik in der Informatik (Prof. Dr. Nicole Schweikardt)
The examination was being prepared through a website for the information of the students: https://www2.informatik.hu-berlin.de/logik/lehre/WS19-20/Logik/Take-Home-Klausur.html
The examination form was designed as an open-book exam, as resources were allowed and the working time was limited to a typical written examination format. Each examinee received their own, automatically compiled exam via the Moodle assignment module (as a PDF download). The minimum technical requirements were a smartphone and the Moodle app. It was not necessary to print out the exam, as only the answers had to be written on white, appropriately prepared paper. At the end of the exam period, the worksheets had to be photographed and uploaded in the assignment module. Additional processing time was provided for this.
Example 2:
MAPs in the Faculty of Law
All examinations there are conducted as take-home exams, which are made available via the Moodle assignment module. The examination courses are set up centrally by the examinations office according to a standardised scheme. The courses - the actual examinations naturally remain set to "invisible" - are activated early for the students so that they can familiarise themselves with the regulations for implementation provided on the first page (modalities, resources, technical realisation, notes on file and submission, support details of the teaching staff).
Example 3:
MAP Grundlagen der Didaktik des Lateinunterrichts und seiner Geschichte (Dr. Andrea Beyer, Ann-Catherine Liebsch)
The website informs about the background, concept and results of the setting as well as about the feedback from the students.
In this examination, the idea of research-based learning was coupled with the examination format of a multimedia examination, which was accompanied by several subtasks and implemented with the Moodle assignment module in each case. The students were to record and submit an interactive presentation on their respective "research results". The talk was thus already included in the presentation. The submission was supplemented by a short, written reflection on the research project (choice of topic, methodology, evaluation, etc.) in a separate file (file submission to the assignment module). This examination format is more suitable for smaller examination groups.
Example 4:
MAP Grundlagen der Sprachbildung im Fachunterricht (PSE, e.g. Dr. Maria Große, Prof. Dr. Beate Lütke)
The exam is conducted as a take-home exam (THE) with the Moodle assignment module. To prepare for the exam, an explanatory film was created that guides through each individual processing step, e.g. also the selection of the appropriate seminar group, in the exam phase.
Test runs of (fictitious) similar e-exams
The sample courses are accessible if you are registered on HU-Moodle. Enrolment keys are not necessary.
Example 1:
MAP Grundlagen der Linguistik - Wort und Satz (Dr. Jana Brunner)
The exam is implemented as a closed-book procedure with the Moodle test module. This gives the students the opportunity to get to know not only the basic procedure of the exam, but above all the different types of tasks and their corresponding answer options. This example also illustrates that the test module can be used not only for simple knowledge quizzes, but also for analysis tasks.
Example 2:
REWI Testkurs Take-Home-Exam WiSe20/21
The sample course enables students to go through the exam procedure once in full as a take-home exam using the Moodle assignment module. This allows them to practise both the condition for unlocking the exam and downloading and uploading the files in the required format. In particular, they can also record how long they need for the technical realisation of the upload in order to stay within the fixed deadline.
(status 2/24/2021)