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Addresses, Ports, Quick Start Guide
Addresses, Ports, Quick Start Guide
- IMAP is only supported with TLS.
- IMAP-IDLE/NOTIFY and Push are not supported.
Email configuration
- Incoming mail server/Imap server
- mailbox.cms.hu-berlin.de
- Port 993 (TLS)
- Authentication method: normal/password
- Username: Your HU-Account
- Certificate fingerprints:
- SHA1:
- SHA256:
- If port 143 is entered during the initial installation, please change the respective setting to the default TLS port 993 afterwards.
- Leave the setting "Check for new messages every... at the default value of 10 minutes to avoid unnecessary load on the server.
- "My" IMAP server: Account Info
- Outgoing mail server/SMTP server
- mailhost.cms.hu-berlin.de
- Post 587 (StartTLS)
- Authentication method: normal/password
- Username: Your HU-Account
- Please note:
On Telekom routers, the HU's outgoing mail server may have to be marked as "allowed mail server", otherwise it might be blocked. (see also: Telekom hilft [German])
- Personal settings
- HU-Account: usually 8 characters long,
e.g.: muellere (or older HU-Accounts with numbers: h0444xyz)
- Email address: as provided, e.g.: erika.mueller@hu-berlin.de
- Please only save your password using a master password for your email client, otherwise it will be save unencrypted!
- Filter spam
- Enter a filter for the header line "X-Spam-Flag" with the value "YES" in your e-mail program.
- Alternatively, have the mail server sort these mails to the "AutoCleanSpam" folder.
To activate the automatic option, you need to sign a one-time declaration of consent in which you agree to the automatic deletion of spam e-mails from your personal folder "AutoClean-Spam" after a period of 12 weeks (fvf-Website, German).
Resources, constraints
- Inbox and folders
- There are no limitations on mailbox size, we do however reserve the right to introduce a quota.
- Still, the inbox should not be used as an archive, as each email stored there slows down access. Set up an "Inbox-Open" folder and move the messages from the inbox to it.
- Email programs sometimes have problems to handle several 10,000(!) emails. Therefore, we recommend structuring your mailbox using folders/subfolders.
- Sending emails
- Direct sending via port 587:
From within the HU network, external SMTP servers are only accessible via port 587. Please check in advance whether your email provider offers sending mails via port 587.
- Direct sending via port 25 and 465:
From within the HU network, external SMTP are not accessible via port 25 or 465.
- Relay/SMTP server mailhost.cms.hu-berlin.de
- Email size (sending/receiving): maximum 20 MByte
- Using the CMS mailing list server (Sympa): maximum 5 MByte
- Recipients per email: maximum 100
- Please note that other mail servers involved in the mail transfer may enforce other restrictions.
- Addressing, email address LDAP
- Accesss to email addressess from ZIS is allowed in the local network of HU or via VPN.
Additional restrictions
- POP3 is not supported.
- Email clients have to support at least TLSv1.2.
Email backup
- IMAP server
- All Imap server are backed up once per hour. Hourly snapshots are available for 7 days.
- In addition, daily backups are available for 60 days.
- Restoring deleted or "lost" emails is very labour-intensive. Please be cautious when handling multiple emails at once and take care not to accidentally move or delete them. The same applies for folders.