Workshop Research Data Management for PhDs
The University Library and Computer and Media Service of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin offer in cooperation with Humboldt Graduate School a workshop with the topic "Research Data Management" for PhDs.
The following topics will be addressed:
- What is research data?
- Why research data management? What are the requirements of funding organizations such as DFG, BMBF and EU?
- How does successful research data management look like? How do I write a data management plan? Which aspects are important?
- Research data management at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (research data policy, services)
- Discipline-specific metadata
- How does the actual work with repositories look like?
- Discussion, question-and-answer session
Previous knowledge is not required. The workshop will be held in English.
Target audience: Candidates in all years of PhD studies
Number of participants: max. 30
Date: Thursday, November 26th, 2015, 16.00 – 18.00 (s.t.)
Place: Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstraße 56, 10115 Berlin
Registration via website of Humboldt Graduate School.