Training, workshops and other events of the research data management initiative.
Current offerings
Workshop "Research Data Management" for PhDs via HU-Zoom on September 6, 2023 10:00-12:00 am (s.t.). Registration and further information will follow soon.
Workshop "Data Publishing" for PhDs via HU-Zoom on September 6, 2023 1:00-3:00 pm (s.t.). Registration and further information will follow soon.
Advanced vocational training "Efficient management of research data - individual planning for good scientific practice" (in German!) as webinar via HU-Zoom on September 20, 2023 from 10:00-12:00 am (s.t.) via HU-Zoom. Registration and further information at the website of Berufliche Weiterbildung.
You can find information about past trainings in the training archive.
You would like to have a tailored training session for your project/research goup/institute/discipline? Get in contact with us!
Our trainings
Research data management
Type: Workshop
Duration: 2 hours
Target group: PhD students
Content: Introduction to research data management, explanation of FAIR principles and other basic concepts, focus on best practices in data management during the research process
Data publishing
Type: Workshop
Duration: 2 hours
Target group: PhD students
Content: Practical introduction to data publication, incl. general conditions, quality standards and licensing, test upload in the institutional repository
Efficient management of research data - individual planning for good scientific practice
Type: Advanced vocational training
Duration: 2 hours
Target Group: Researchers
Content: Requirements of the research funders, content of a DMP, presentation of software tools, practical exercise with DMPonline
Legal fields of action for research data
Type: Advanced vocational training
Duration: 6 hours
Target Group: Researchers
Content: Relevant laws and guidelines in the field of research data, awareness to legal aspects, presentation of institutional contact points and persons
Subject-specific research data management
Type: Workshop
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Target group: Researchers, PhD students
Content: Subject-specific awareness for research data management, e.g. with regard to relevant standards, repositories, and legal or technical guidelines.
Train-the-trainer research data management
Type: Advanced vocational training
Duration: 2 days
Target group: project leaders, research coordinators, professors and other persons who would like to train research data management themselves
Content: All aspects of research data management as well as didactic teaching methods
Type: Workshop
Duration: approx. 3 hours
Target group: Researchers, PhD students
Content: Introduction to the GitLab tool, practical exercises on versioning with HU-GitLab