? Zielgruppen ?

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Computer- und Medienservice

WLAN-Status 22.12.2024 07:01:10

Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.

Name: AP-FRS191-3006
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2038Y-1393900000
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 6000mW
SavedEnergy: 38.167,35 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 22:14:02)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:77:32:1d
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-GZ / ECA-UdL6
Poll-Timeout: 3s
5.0 GHz Channel: -
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 13 (2472 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 3%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -99dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 6 / 7
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:bb:70DOWNeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:bb:71DOWN_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:61:bb:60Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 675 Radio 1: 6394 Radio 2: 6393
SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 675 Radio 1: 6394 Radio 2: 6393
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-4047 ge.2.48
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-3023
Hardware: AP3805i
Serial Number: 16381184085M0000
Uptime: 02:50 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 3600mW
SavedEnergy: 22.467,36 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 22:14:02)
eth0: d8:84:66:75:06:6e
SW Version:
Home-Controller: UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: UdL6 / GZ
Poll-Timeout: 5s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 104-1 (5520 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl (5 ≤ 17): 17 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ac
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 40 MHz Bond.: Yes
  Ch-Plan: All Channels
  DCS: active
  DCS Threshold: -80 dBm
  Ch Busy Ø: 1%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 0% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -90dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 13 (2472 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl (5 ≤ 18): 18 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11gn
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  Ch-Plan: 4-Channel Plan
  DCS: active
  DCS Threshold: -80 dBm
  Ch Busy Ø: 5%
  Rx Frames Ø: 22%
  AP Tx Ø: 0% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -91dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 7 / 10
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHzd8:84:66:6c:6a:d0Upeduroam
11Radio2 2.4 GHzd8:84:66:6c:6a:d8Upeduroam
14Radio2 2.4 GHzd8:84:66:6c:6a:dbUp_Free_Wifi_Berlin

SNMP Instanzen UdL6AP: 61 Radio 1: 1481 Radio 2: 1482
SNMP Instanzen GZAP: 476 Radio 1: 4801 Radio 2: 4802
Connected to: Frs191-4047 ge.2.44
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4005
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2035Y-1519300000
device unreachable
probably powered off due to energy saving
Last succ. Poll: 21.12.2024 22:09:44
Basic PwrUsage: 6200mW
SavedEnergy: 40.306,45 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:76:d0:34
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 3 / 5 / 6

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 664 Radio 1: 6306 Radio 2: 6305
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: F191-5039 ge.3.45
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4016
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2038Y-1400600000
Uptime: 01:44 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5900mW
SavedEnergy: 37.605,94 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:77:33:6c
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-GZ
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-UdL6 / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 60 (5300 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 10 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: Yes
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 3%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -89dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 5 (2432 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 2%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -96dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 9 / 9
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:c3:d0Upeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:c3:d1Up_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:61:c3:c0Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 739 Radio 1: 6906 Radio 2: 6905
SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 739 Radio 1: 6906 Radio 2: 6905
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-4071 e 1/1/46
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4031
Hardware: AP3805i
Serial Number: 16304598085L0000
Uptime: 6 d 01:11:54 h
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 3400mW
SavedEnergy: 4.903,52 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: d8:84:66:58:07:1a
SW Version:
Home-Controller: UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: UdL6 / GZ
Poll-Timeout: 5s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 64-1 (5320 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl (8 ≤ 17): 17 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ac
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 40 MHz Bond.: Yes
  Ch-Plan: All Channels
  DCS: active
  DCS Threshold: -84 dBm
  Ch Busy Ø: 6%
  Rx Frames Ø: 3%
  AP Tx Ø: 3% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -88dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 13 (2472 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl (5 ≤ 18): 18 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11gn
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  Ch-Plan: 4-Channel Plan
  DCS: active
  DCS Threshold: -80 dBm
  Ch Busy Ø: 4%
  Rx Frames Ø: 3%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -90dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 2  (R1: 2)
  Accs: HU: 2
  5.0ac: 2
valid/invalid/unknown IPs: 2 / 0 / 0
auth/not auth Clients: 2 / -
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 4 / 60 / 97
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHzd8:84:66:62:c5:b0Upeduroam2
11Radio2 2.4 GHzd8:84:66:62:c5:b8Upeduroam
14Radio2 2.4 GHzd8:84:66:62:c5:bbUp_Free_Wifi_Berlin

SNMP Instanzen UdL6AP: 62 Radio 1: 1489 Radio 2: 1490
SNMP Instanzen GZAP: 460 Radio 1: 4673 Radio 2: 4674
Connected to: Frs191-4072 e 1/1/47
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4041
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2035Y-1505800000
Uptime: 02:08 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5900mW
SavedEnergy: 37.096,43 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 22:14:02)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:76:cd:91
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-GZ / ECA-UdL6
Poll-Timeout: 3s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 52 (5260 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 10 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: Yes
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 1%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -93dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 5 (2432 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 2%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -98dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 9 / 12
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:5b:b0Upeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:5b:b1Up_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:5b:a0Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 667 Radio 1: 6330 Radio 2: 6329
SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 667 Radio 1: 6330 Radio 2: 6329
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-4047 ge.2.46
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4047
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2035Y-1513100000
Uptime: 01:10 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5900mW
SavedEnergy: 39.968,93 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 22:14:02)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:76:ce:fe
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-UdL6 / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
5.0 GHz Channel: -
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 9 (2452 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 2%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -92dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 3 / 23 / 23
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:64:d0DOWNeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:64:d1DOWN_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:64:c0Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 666 Radio 1: 6322 Radio 2: 6321
SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 666 Radio 1: 6322 Radio 2: 6321
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-4047 ge.2.47
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4055
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2035Y-1505900000
device unreachable
probably powered off due to energy saving
Last succ. Poll: 21.12.2024 22:09:44
Basic PwrUsage: 6000mW
SavedEnergy: 37.730,49 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:76:cd:96
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-GZ
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 7 / 8

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 665 Radio 1: 6314 Radio 2: 6313
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: F191-5039 ge.3.48
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4063
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2038Y-1413700000
Uptime: 01:07 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 6000mW
SavedEnergy: 39.331,22 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:77:35:fb
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-GZ
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-GZ / ECA-UdL6
Poll-Timeout: 3s
5.0 GHz Channel: -
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 1 (2412 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 10%
  Rx Frames Ø: 4%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -100dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 12 / 15
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:d4:30DOWNeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:d4:31DOWN_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:61:d4:20Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 674 Radio 1: 6386 Radio 2: 6385
SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 674 Radio 1: 6386 Radio 2: 6385
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-4071 e 1/1/48
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4071
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2038Y-1406800000
Uptime: 01:21 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5900mW
SavedEnergy: 38.787,53 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:77:34:a2
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-UdL6 / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 44 (5220 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 10 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: Yes
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 1%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -94dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 1 (2412 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 1%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -99dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 4 / 6
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:cb:90Upeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:cb:91Up_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:61:cb:80Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 672 Radio 1: 6370 Radio 2: 6369
SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 672 Radio 1: 6370 Radio 2: 6369
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-4071 e 1/1/47
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4076
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2038Y-1401100000
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5600mW
SavedEnergy: 29.646,81 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:77:33:85
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-UdL6 / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
5.0 GHz Channel: -
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 5 (2432 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 3%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -97dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 13 / 31
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:c4:70DOWNeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:c4:71DOWN_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:61:c4:60Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 668 Radio 1: 6338 Radio 2: 6337
SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 668 Radio 1: 6338 Radio 2: 6337
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-4072 e 1/1/2
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4100
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2038Y-1395700000
device unreachable
probably powered off due to energy saving
Last succ. Poll: 21.12.2024 22:09:44
Basic PwrUsage: 6000mW
SavedEnergy: 18.354,54 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:77:32:77
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-GZ
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 11 / 14

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 670 Radio 1: 6354 Radio 2: 6353
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: F191-5039 ge.3.47
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-4118
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2038Y-1412700000
Uptime: 02:49 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 6200mW
SavedEnergy: 36.641,3 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 22:14:02)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:77:35:c9
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-GZ / ECA-UdL6
Poll-Timeout: 3s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 100 (5500 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 18 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: Yes
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 2%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -94dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 9 (2452 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 4%
  Rx Frames Ø: 1%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -96dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 11 / 19
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:d2:f0Upeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:d2:f1Up_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:61:d2:e0Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 886 Radio 1: 8082 Radio 2: 8081
SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 886 Radio 1: 8082 Radio 2: 8081
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-4047 ge.2.45
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5002
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2038Y-1406600000
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 6200mW
SavedEnergy: 38.576,8 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:77:34:98
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-GZ
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-UdL6 / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
5.0 GHz Channel: -
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 13 (2472 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 3%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -98dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 9 / 11
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:cb:50DOWNeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:cb:51DOWN_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:61:cb:40Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 738 Radio 1: 6898 Radio 2: 6897
SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 738 Radio 1: 6898 Radio 2: 6897
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: F191-5039 ge.3.43
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5008
Hardware: AP3825i
Serial Number: 16360431085M0000
Uptime: 01:10 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5600mW
SavedEnergy: 12.953,65 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 22:14:02)
eth0: d8:84:66:74:eb:ef
SW Version:
Home-Controller: UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: UdL6 / GZ
Poll-Timeout: 5s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 112-1 (5560 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl (5 ≤ 16): 16 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ac
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 40 MHz Bond.: Yes
  Ch-Plan: All Channels
  DCS: active
  DCS Threshold: -80 dBm
  Ch Busy Ø: 1%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 0% MBR: 12 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -93dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 13 (2472 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl (5 ≤ 15): 15 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11gn
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  Ch-Plan: 4-Channel Plan
  DCS: active
  DCS Threshold: -80 dBm
  Ch Busy Ø: 3%
  Rx Frames Ø: 2%
  AP Tx Ø: 0% MBR: 12 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -92dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 72 / 89
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHzd8:84:66:6b:71:e0Upeduroam
11Radio2 2.4 GHzd8:84:66:6b:71:e8Upeduroam
15Radio2 2.4 GHzd8:84:66:6b:71:ecUp_Free_Wifi_Berlin

SNMP Instanzen UdL6AP: 893 Radio 1: 8137 Radio 2: 8138
SNMP Instanzen GZAP: 461 Radio 1: 4681 Radio 2: 4682
Connected to: Frs191-5056 e 1/1/46
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5016
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2035Y-1512800000
Uptime: 02:20 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5800mW
SavedEnergy: 38.446,90 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:76:ce:ef
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-UdL6 / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 52 (5260 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 10 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: Yes
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 1%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -94dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 5 (2432 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 4%
  Rx Frames Ø: 1%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -100dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 12 / 12
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:64:70Upeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:64:71Up_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:64:60Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 660 Radio 1: 6274 Radio 2: 6273
SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 660 Radio 1: 6274 Radio 2: 6273
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-5057 e 2/1/48
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5023
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2035Y-1519400000
Uptime: 01:23 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5800mW
SavedEnergy: 35.608,86 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:76:d0:39
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-GZ / ECA-UdL6
Poll-Timeout: 3s
5.0 GHz Channel: -
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 9 (2452 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 4%
  Rx Frames Ø: 1%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -99dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 27 / 28
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:6c:b0DOWNeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:6c:b1DOWN_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:6c:a0Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 659 Radio 1: 6266 Radio 2: 6265
SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 659 Radio 1: 6266 Radio 2: 6265
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-5033 e 2/1/47
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5033
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2038Y-1414700000
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5700mW
SavedEnergy: 37.996,76 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:77:36:2d
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-GZ
Active/Backup-Ctrl: -- / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
5.0 GHz Channel: -
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 13 (2472 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 3%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -99dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 3 / 4
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:d5:70DOWNeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:d5:71DOWN_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:61:d5:60Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 673 Radio 1: 6378 Radio 2: 6377
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-5033 e 2/1/48
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5039
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2035Y-1497800000
device unreachable
probably powered off due to energy saving
Last succ. Poll: 21.12.2024 22:09:44
Basic PwrUsage: 6100mW
SavedEnergy: 36.103,57 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:76:cc:01
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-GZ
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 6 / 6

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 662 Radio 1: 6290 Radio 2: 6289
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: F191-5039 ge.3.46
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5048
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2035Y-1518800000
Uptime: 72 d 02:10:27 h
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5800mW
SavedEnergy: 22.134,82 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 22:14:02)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:76:d0:1b
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-UdL6 / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 52 (5260 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 10 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 40 MHz Bond.: Yes
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 1%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -90dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 9 (2452 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 3%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -99dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 2  (R1: 1 R2: 1)
  Accs: HU: 1
  2.4ax: 1 | 5.0ac: 1
valid/invalid/unknown IPs: 2 / 0 / 0
auth/not auth Clients: 2 / -
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 1 / 1 / 1
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 3 / 16 / 16
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:6b:f0Upeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:6b:f1Up_Free_Wifi_Berlin1
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:6b:e0Upeduroam1

SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 663 Radio 1: 6298 Radio 2: 6297
SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 663 Radio 1: 6298 Radio 2: 6297
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-5056 e 1/1/47
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5056
Hardware: AP505i
Serial Number: 2023W-2030900000
Uptime: 3 d 01:10:34 h
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 8700mW
SavedEnergy: 32.961,72 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 22:14:02)
eth0: dc:b8:08:f2:7b:86
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-UdL6 / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 100 (5500 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 80 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: Yes
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 1%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 12 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -97dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 9 (2452 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 8 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 4%
  Rx Frames Ø: 1%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 12 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -96dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 1  (R2: 1)
  2.4n: 1
valid/invalid/unknown IPs: 1 / 0 / 0
auth/not auth Clients: 1 / -
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 1 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 1 / 35 / 38
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHzdc:b8:08:eb:cf:d0Upeduroam
11Radio2 2.4 GHzdc:b8:08:eb:cf:c0Upeduroam
12Radio2 2.4 GHzdc:b8:08:eb:cf:c1Up_Free_Wifi_Berlin1

SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 737 Radio 1: 6890 Radio 2: 6889
SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 737 Radio 1: 6890 Radio 2: 6889
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-5056 e 1/1/45
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5057
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2038Y-1401400000
Uptime: 5 d 01:11:47 h
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 6000mW
SavedEnergy: 20.491,90 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:77:33:94
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-UdL6
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-UdL6 / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 132 (5660 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 18 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: Yes
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 3%
  Rx Frames Ø: 1%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -94dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 9 (2452 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 3%
  Rx Frames Ø: 1%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -100dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 1  (R1: 1)
  5.0ac: 1
valid/invalid/unknown IPs: 1 / 0 / 0
auth/not auth Clients: 1 / -
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 1 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 1 / 12 / 18
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:c4:d0Upeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:61:c4:d1Up_Free_Wifi_Berlin1
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:61:c4:c0Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 671 Radio 1: 6362 Radio 2: 6361
SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 671 Radio 1: 6362 Radio 2: 6361
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-5057 e 2/1/47
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5080
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2035Y-1518900000
device unreachable
probably powered off due to energy saving
Last succ. Poll: 21.12.2024 22:09:44
Basic PwrUsage: 6100mW
SavedEnergy: 38.438,87 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:76:d0:20
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-GZ
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 36 (5180 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 10 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 40 MHz Bond.: Yes
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 3%
  Rx Frames Ø: 1%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -91dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 13 (2472 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 2%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -100dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 10 / 10

SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 658 Radio 1: 6258 Radio 2: 6257
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: F191-5039 ge.3.44
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.
Name: AP-FRS191-5101
Hardware: AP310i
Serial Number: 2035Y-1513000000
Uptime: 01:14 min
Last succ. Poll: 22.12.2024 06:59:55
Basic PwrUsage: 5800mW
SavedEnergy: 36.302,32 Wh (since: 24.08.2022 23:14:01)
eth0: 20:9e:f7:76:ce:f9
eth0 In Errors: 0
SW Version:
Home-Controller: ECA-GZ
Active/Backup-Ctrl: ECA-UdL6 / ECA-GZ
Poll-Timeout: 3s
R1 5.0 GHzCh: 132 (5660 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 18 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 40 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: Yes
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 2%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -93dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
R2 2.4 GHzCh: 5 (2432 MHz)
  Pwr-Lvl : 12 dBm
  Radio-Type:  IEEE 802.11ax
  W.: 20 MHz Max-W: 20 MHz Bond.: No
  DCS: monitor
  Ch Busy Ø: 2%
  Rx Frames Ø: 0%
  AP Tx Ø: 1% MBR: 6 MBit/s
  Avg Noise: -97dBm
  Beacon Interval: 100ms
WLAN-Sessions: 0  
  Min (1d / 7d / 28d): 0 / 0 / 0
  Max (1d / 7d / 28d): 2 / 6 / 10
IndexRadio / BandIf-MACStatusSSIDSessions
1Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:64:b0Upeduroam
2Radio1 5 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:64:b1Up_Free_Wifi_Berlin
11Radio2 2.4 GHz20:9e:f7:5f:64:a0Upeduroam

SNMP Instanzen ECA-UdL6AP: 661 Radio 1: 6282 Radio 2: 6281
SNMP Instanzen ECA-GZAP: 661 Radio 1: 6282 Radio 2: 6281
Controller Site: Friedrich191
Connected to: Frs191-5033 e 2/1/46
Location:  Berlin-Mitte > Friedrichstr. 191, Inst. f. Geschichte u.a.

Hilfe - Aktualisierungsintervall: 5 Minuten
Version 12.5.4, syj, 05.11.2024
Datenerhebung: 22.12.2024 06:59:01 Erzeugt: 22.12.2024 07:01:10 PID 867385