Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Computer and Media Service

Set up homepage

The CMS ("Computer- und Medienservice") of Humboldt university offers all registered users the opportunity to publish their own WWW pages without any bureaucratic hurdles. For students, an account on the student server amor is required. Then there are only a few minor preparations to be made, most of which are done by a program that can be called with the Unix command joinweb on the computer amor. This program automatically executes the following commands:

  • A public_html directory is created in your own home directory
    Command: mkdir public_html
  • the file access rights are set
    Commands: chmod 711 $HOME, chmod 755 public_html
  • Creation of a sample homepage that anyone can change as they wish.

The homepage can then be reached under the following URL:

The corresponding login code (e.g. h0444aaa) is used for username.

Any number of files and other directories can be created in the public_html directory. However, you should bear in mind the quota value of 50 GB per user, which must not be exceeded.

Of course, all pages must be written in HTML. Experienced HTML designers will prefer a normal ASCII editor to "get the most out" of HTML.

The finished HTML files and images must now be transferred to the public_html directory on the amor computer. The WinCSP program should be used for this (see also: Description of how to install and use WinSCP)