Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Computer and Media Service

Campuscard HU-Berlin

Status: 12th December 2024


The Campuscard System enables the conversion of the current paper based student IDs to a multifunctional card. The system has been introduced by 10 universities as joint project from early 2015 onwards.

Additional information about the joint project can be found here.


Current Information:


Information about the Deutschandticket update of your Semesterticket

We are there for you Mondays to Fridays between 8AM and 4PM. Outside of these times, the machines are usable, but we cannot offer support. If you encounter a problem, you may only get an answer on the next business day.

Please don’t put damaged cards into the Validity Renewal Machine. These can get stuck. If your card is damaged, please contact the support.


For questions and comments please contact:

Data Privacy Information:

Mail delivery of Campus-Cards is not possible. All functions of the card are only valid in Berlin. If you require a proof of your student status, you can find a PDF in AGNES.

Service Status

Current Informationen Campus-Card:

  • If the validity on the card is not correctly visible even after reprinting, please contact us through the contact form, you may be eligible for a new card.
    For more information please contact Compass through the contact form.







Compared to the old paper student IDs the new Campuscards are:

  • More durable
  • More counterfeit proof
  • Cheaper




  • Use of the university library with NFC
  • ID function with an optional passport photo
  • Integrated “Mensa-card” for anonymous payment






The cards contain no personal information of the students electronically. The terminals get all the personal data online without storing personal information, and the photos made when issuing the card are discarded. The communication between the server and the terminals is encrypted.


How does it work?


Students are issued a one-time QR-code, which can be used to print a personalised student ID at one of the four terminals. This process takes about 1 minute.

After using the QR-code it is possible to print a card with or without a passport photo. Photos are taken by the terminal. Cards without a passport photo are not valid without another official document which contains a photo.

After receiving the card, it has to be validated at one of the six validation terminals. These print the validity on the card. This has to be done once every semester.



How do I get my card?


The cards can be printed at one of four terminals:

  • Jacob- und Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum, Main foyer in the public area near the east entrace
  • Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum, Main foyer in the public area near the west entrance
  • Unter den Linden 6, West Wing 1st and 2nd floor (2 terminals)

A valid QR-code is needed to use the terminals. This can be obtained from your account in AGNES.

The QR-code can be scanned from a smartphone or tablet display. If you do not want to use a device, printers are available at the computer pools.

After the card has been issued, it needs to be validated. This can be done at one of six validation terminals:

  • Jacob- und Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum, Main foyer in the public area near the east entrace
  • Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum, Main foyer in the public area near the west entrance (2 terminals)
  • Unter den Linden 6, West Wing 1st and 2nd floor (2 terminals)

The validation terminals are available during the opening times of the buildings. 


Fragen und Antworten zur Campuscard:


Which functions does the campucard have?
  • Student ID
  • Library ID for the university library
  • “Mensa-card” of the Studentenwerk Berlin incl. electronic wallet for all payment functions which can used with the stand alone mensa card.
  • Optical strip with the validity
Who can get a campuscard?

Freshmen and newly registered students of the Humboldt University get the campuscard after enrolment.

You can print your card at the terminals using your personal QR-Code. You can find this in AGNES.

How do I store the campuscard?

Through normal handling damages to the card can be avoided. To ensure that your card lasts your studies the following guidelines are recommended:

  • Protect the card against smudges and scratches
  • Do not bend the card
  • Protect the card extreme temperature changes and direct sunlight
  • Keep away from magnetic fields


Can I use any terminal in the campuscard network?

You can only use terminals of the Humboldt University with your QR-code and your card. Terminals at other universities will not work.

Where are the terminals?

The cards can be printed at one of four terminals:

  • Jacob- und Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum, Main foyer in the public area near the east entrace
  • Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum, Main foyer in the public area near the west entrance
  • Unter den Linden 6, West Wing 1st and 2nd floor (2 terminals)


After the card has been issued, it needs to be validated. This can be done at one of six validation terminals:

  • Jacob- und Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum, Main foyer in the public area near the east entrace
  • Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum, Main foyer in the public area near the west entrance (2 terminals)
  • Unter den Linden 6, West Wing 1st and 2nd floor (2 terminals)


Do I need to have a passport photo on my card?

No, the photo is optional on the cards. However cards without photo require an ID card or passport to be carried for validity.


Are the terminals usable for students with disabilities?

All terminals are designed according to ISO 18040 and therefore usable by students with disabilities.


How much doest the campuscard cost?

The first card is free of charge for every student. Follow-on cards can be obtained for a fee of 10.28 EUR.


What happenes if I lose my card?

You must apply for a new card at the Matriculation Office. Please use the Compass contact form ( After paying the replacement fee, you will be provided with a new QR code in AGNES, which you can use to create a new Campus Card. Please note: The MensaCard number is anonymized and is not available to the Admissions Office. The universities do not have access to the contents of the MensaCard function, and the Berlin Studierendenwerk cannot find out the number of your MensaCard from your matriculation number. In order for the credit to be transferred from the old Campus Card to the new one, please provide the STW number at a cash desk of the Berliner Studierendenwerk (e.g. in a canteen).


Is my personal data stored electronically on the card?

The card contains no personal data on the chip. The chip contains only an anonymous but unique identifier of the card. Use of the mensacard function is also anonymous.


Are the cards safe?

The campuscard uses the Mifare DESfire EV1 cards with AES encryption. The cards do not contain any personal data.


How does the QR-code work?

The QR-code is anonymous and contains a random, unique number sequence. No personal data is encoded in the QR-code. The QR-code is only usable once, and becomes invalid after the card has be issued. The code has to be printed or displayed on smartphone/tablet so that the terminal can read it.


How does the mens card app on the card work?

The campuscard includes a full mensa card of the Studentenwerk Berlin. This function can be used for any transaction which supports the mensa card. The anonymity of the personal information is protected by organisational and technological steps: the university has no access the content of the app, while the Studentenwerk Berlin has only the mensacard number and no personal data of the student.


Do I have to use the mensacard app on the campuscard?

No, it is still possible to use a separate mensacard of the Studentenwerk Berlin..