Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Research data management

Management of Research Data


Our Goal

Raise researchers' awareness of how to handle their research data and to provide them with the necessary resources and support to effectively manage, share and reuse research data.


Who we are

Research data management (RDM) encompasses many aspects, from technical solutions and documentation to the requirements of funding bodies. For this reason, the Computer and Media Service (CMS), Research Service Centre, and University Library in the Vice President for Research department are in regular contact to provide this service. The RDM support is operated as a joint service by CMS and the University Library.




What are research data?
What are Data Management Plans?
Our Video-tutorials here provide answers!



Get Started

In this section you will find a variety of online resources to help you find research data, cite them, share them, create data management plans and much more!


Data Management Plan

Tools and Help


Research Data Management Organizer

(vpn-required) for DMP creation, Manual (in German)


Graphics sustainable research