Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Research data management


Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Computer and Media Service | Research data management | News | Say, how do you feel about your data? The "Love Data Week"

Say, how do you feel about your data? The "Love Data Week"

Research data are generated everywhere in the research process, and those who take good care of them do research and publish more easily and better. Love Data Week aims to raise awareness of good data handling in order to promote good scientific practice. Various events will be offered for this purpose during the action week.

The international action week "Love Data Week" has been held annually since 2016 this year, the events of the HU Research Data Management Initiative will take place entirely online:

Monday, February 8, 1 pm: Coffee Lecture "CC licences – a short introduction"

„CC0“ ­­– „CC-BY“ – „CC-BY-SA-ND“: none of this means anything to you? In this coffee lecture, we will introduce you to the widely used CC licenses, how they are structured and what you should consider when using them.

No registration is required. The Coffee Lecture will be held in English, questions can also be asked in German. Just come by and bring your own coffee (or tea): (passcode: 648683)

Materials of the Coffee Lecture: Slides (PPTX), Flyer (English), Flyer (German), Licence overview (PDF)

Tuesday, February 9, 10 am: Workshop Research Data Management at Humboldt Graduate School *already booked out*

During the workshop, the most important best practices and tools for research data management will be presented. Practical exercises will complement the workshop. The workshop will be held in English.

Tuesday, February 9, 1 pm: Workshop Data Publishing at Humboldt Graduate School *already booked out*

In publishing research results, the publication of the associated data is playing an increasingly important role. The workshop informs about the different ways of data publication and shows with practical examples how this can be done successfully. The workshop will be held in English.

Wednesday, February 10, 1 pm: Coffee Lecture "Finding research data – in 15 minutes" (in German)

Where can I find research data that I can re-use? Has anyone already collected data on my research question? We will show you in 15 minutes which ways there are to research data. Registration is not required. Just show up and bring your own coffee (or tea): (passcode: 303196)

Materials of the Coffee Lecture: Slides (PDF, German), Handout (DOCX, German)

Thursday, February 11, 1 pm: Data Escape Room

Let's play! Research data - a horror story? Solve an online escape game together that will teach you a few things about research data management along the way. Please register in advance at:

If you have any questions we will be happy to help:

Friday, February 12, 1 pm: Coffee & Chat (bilingual)

What have you always wanted to ask about research data? Our experts are ready to provide answers and tips. No registration is required. Questions can be asked in both German or English.

Just drop by and bring your own coffee (or tea): (passcode: 105135)



Open Data Impact Award

The Stifterverband awards open research data with a total of 30,000 euros.

The Open Data Impact Award honours research data that is particularly suitable for re-use. To be eligible to apply, the research data must have been published under an open licence (CC0, CC BY or comparable). Researchers can apply with an informal cover letter (max. 4,000 characters) until 30 June 2020. Applications should address the FAIR principles and the social benefits.

Further information:



Love Data Week 2020

The Love Data Week wants to draw attention to the conscious handling of data in order to promote good scientific practice. Various events will be offered in the campaign week.

The international campaign week "Love Data Week" takes place since 2016 and aims to raise awareness of how data is handled. Practical tips, services and tools for the management and use of data are the focus of the events, in order to provide the best possible support for researchers and to promote good scientific practice.

As part of the campaign week, the research data management initiative of HU Berlin offers various events:

Monday, 10 February, 10.00 a.m. - Workshop Research Data Management at the SLF

The workshop offers an overview of the most important topics concerning the handling of data and deals in particular with the specific requirements of linguistics and literary studies. Registration and further information via e-mail (

Tuesday, 11 February, 1 pm - Coffee Lecture Data search in 15 minutes at Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum, Auditorium

Over a cup of coffee, you can find out about different ways of searching data within a short time. Registration is not necessary.

Wednesday, February 12, 10.00 a.m. - Workshop Research Data Management at the Humboldt Graduate School

The workshop will present the most important best practices and tools for research data management. Practical exercises complement the workshop. The course will be held in English. Registration and further information at the Humboldt Graduate School website.

Wednesday, February 12, 2.30 pm - Workshop Data Publishing at Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum

When publishing research results, the publication of the associated data increasingly plays an important role. The workshop informs about the different ways of data publication and shows with practical examples how this can be done successfully. The workshop will be held in English. Registration and further information about the Humboldt Graduate School website.

Thursday, 13 February, 12.30 pm - Coffee Lecture Data research in 15 minutes at Erwin Schrödinger-Zentrum, room 0'101

Over a cup of coffee, you can find out about different ways of searching data within a short time. Registration is not necessary.

All events are offered free of charge. Please note the respective information on registration.



Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Computer and Media Service | Research data management | News | DFG Code of Conduct sets extended requirements for researchers

DFG Code of Conduct sets extended requirements for researchers

The German Research Foundation published extended guidelines for safeguarding good research practice.

In 2019, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) published a code of conduct with extended guidelines for safeguarding good research practice. The responsible handling of research data and research software is emphasized in many places in the code. Verifiability and replicability should be ensured by good documentation (if possible according to subject-specific standards), secure storage and archiving. The FAIR Principles are mentioned as a guideline for this.

In addition, the scientific community is encouraged to promote and acknowledge the creation and provision of access to research data and research software as an independent, valuable contribution to research. This includes citation and referencing of data and software in scientific publications.

DFG Code of Conduct Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice:

German version:



World Digital Preservation Day

Preserve valuable data

The World Digital Preservation Day takes place annually on the first Thursday in November. The aim of the day is to draw attention to the topic of digital preservation and to create awareness for digital long-term archiving. There are many valuable digital collections around the world that belong to our cultural heritage and whose access should be preserved.

This year, the focus is on at-risk data. Obsolete file formats or damaged data media are one risk factor. But other dangers such as natural disasters and fire can also endanger valuable data collections.

More information:



New colleague joins RDM initiative

Dr. Carolin Odebrecht advises researchers of the Faculty of Linguistics and Literature on research data management

Dr. Carolin Odebrecht supports the RDM initiative since June 15, 2019. For the Faculty of Linguistics and Literature, she advises on the handling of research data and the planning of data management. Dr. Odebrecht studied corpus linguistics and has been working in the field of research data management and the development of repositories for several years. She has gained experience in setting up the subject-specific repository for historical text corpora Laudatio and in her research on the development of annotation and metadata models.

The combination of faculty and computer and media service will enable a closer and demand-oriented cooperation, development of a consulting service as well as joint strategy development. Furthermore, Ms. Odebrecht would like to offer, expand and create scientific services and research in this area as well as develop knowledge management around the topic.

Further information and contact (in German):



New web page about legal aspects is online

A new web page about legal aspects in research data management is online now.

Research data management is accompanied by many different legal aspects and regulations, like copyright, data security, funding conditions, policies as well as employment law or patent rights. Especially in case of a publication of the research data it must be proven which legal fields are relevant in every single case.

In order to make that process easier for the scientists at Humboldt-Universität, the research data management initiative released a web page about legal aspects in research data management. That provides not only an overview of the relevant juridical fields and paragraphs, but also a list of contacts at Humboldt-Universität where the researchers can get individual, legal advice.


Workshop on Open Science

A workshop on open science takes place as advanced vocational training at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

On 4th March 2019 an interactive workshop on open science takes place as advanced vocational training at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It is focused on all aspects of open science: e.g. freely accessible publications, open research data or engagement of citizens in the research process. That contains also useful tools and platforms that make it easier to put open science to practice.

The participants will be actively involved through several exercises. So that they can develope solutions for practical problems and case studies themselves.

The workshop will be given in German.


When: 4th March 2019, 9am until 1.30pm

Where: Invalidenstraße 110, 10115 Berlin


Here you can find further information.


Workshop on Research Data Management

A workshop on research data management takes place as advanced vocational training at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

On 27th February 2019 an interactive workshop on research data management takes place as advanced vocational training at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It is focused on all relevant aspects which relate to organizing, publishing, archiving and reuse research data. That also contains useful tools and platforms that make it easier for the researchers to manage their research data.

The participants will be actively involved through several exercises. So that they can develope solutions for practical problems themselves.

The workshop will be given in German.


When: 27th February 2019, 9am until 3pm.

Where: Invalidenstraße 110, 10115 Berlin


Here you can find further information.


Research data publication at edoc

Meet the requirements of publishers or research funders with a data publication on the edoc publication server.

Since December 2017 it is also possible to publish research data on the institutional repository of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The edoc publication server has received an adapted input form and the author's contract has been revised. Further publications (e. g. an article or dissertation) can be referenced by relation and DOI.

HU members who are interested in a data publication on the edoc publication server can find further information at

The service is offered jointly by the University Library and the Computer and Media Service and is free of charge for HU members.

Research data publications on the edoc publication server:



How to properly manage research data

The FDMentor project develops solutions and guidelines for universities

Researchers from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU), Freie Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Universität Potsdam and Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) are working together in a joint project to develop solutions for research data management at universities. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the two-year project FDMentor (research data management mentor) with a total of around 409,000 euros. The aim is to develop strategies, recommendations for action, roadmaps, guidelines and openly reusable materials, so-called Open Educational Resources (OER). The overall project management is carried out by HU's Computer and Media Service. The results of the project are aimed at all German universities that are still at the beginning of the process of professional research data management.

FDMentor brings together the experience and expertise of the five leading universities in Berlin and Brandenburg. The project divides its tasks into four main areas: strategy development, policy development, competence development and networking. For the development of a strategy for research data management, the existing expertise in this network will be evaluated and transferable models, their options for action and practical solutions will be developed.

For policy development, a policy kit is designed as a module- and level-oriented model that can be used by other users directly or in a customized way. A guideline on strategic implementation will also be prepared. For the purpose of competence development, advisory concepts and free reusable training materials (OER) are developed for university staff members who are institutionally entrusted with the topic of research data management or who are responsible for the topic in projects and working groups. The network aims to foster sustainable cooperation between the partners in the consortium and to ensure that the project results serve as a mentoring programme for other universities to enable them to effectively start up their research data management or to facilitate the further development of their research data management. FDMentor's areas of activity are also in line with current recommendations of the German Rectors' Conference and the Council for Information Infrastructures.

Research data and its management is one of the most important and at the same time most challenging topics that researchers in the digital age have to face, as many research processes generate large amounts of digital data. The management of this data is understood to mean all measures that ensure that such data is and remains usable. For this to be successful and sustainable, research data management must be established as an integral part of research processes and a natural component of the everyday research workflows of researchers so that they can actively and consciously shape the life cycle of their research data. Universities have the task of providing the best possible support to researchers by implementing the interaction of their services in a user-oriented manner - both in organisational and technical terms - and thus also enabling them to be linked to the rapid developments in this area at national and international level.

Further information

FDMentor website


Katarzyna Biernacka
Project coordinator FDMentor



Information event at Campus Nord

Information event about research data management at Campus Nord on September 8, 2017

After a successful event in Adlershof in February of this year, we would also like to discuss with you the research data activities at the Humboldt University in Berlin and what we still lack on this subject at the Campus Nord. Therefore, an information event on the topic of research data management takes place on September 8 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Maud-Menten-Saal of the IRI Life Sciences on Campus Nord. At the end of the event, we jointly carry out a gap analysis. This is to help us (CMS, UB, SZF) in the planning of further services and offers you the opportunity to formulate wishes and to address problems in the handling of data.


Date: September 8, 2017

Place: Maud-Menten-Saal of IRI Life Sciences on Campus Nord, Philippstr. 13, house 18, 3. floor


10:00-10:15 Welcome and introduction
Malte Dreyer, Director Computer and Media Service

10:15-10:20 German Research Foundation (DFG) projects and research data management
Dr. Axel Klie, Scientific Officer DFG at the Research Service Centre

10:20-10:25 Research data publication and publisher requirements
Prof. Dr. Andreas Degkwitz, Director University Library

10:25-10:40 Services at HU Berlin for research data management
Kerstin Helbig, Coordinator research data management

10:40-11:00 Keynote: Practical experiences
Dr. agr. Kathlin Schweitzer, Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute

11:00-12:00 Gap analysis and discussion


Please register until August 25, 2017 via email to Katarzyna Biernacka (



Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Computer and Media Service | Research data management | News | HU-Box: One more step towards easy data sharing

HU-Box: One more step towards easy data sharing

Now it has become even easier to share data with external project partners: the HU-box can also be used by members of DFN-AAI. eduGAIN will follow soon.

So far, there was only the option to create upload and download links to share data with external partners in the HU-Box. Now it is possible for members of DFN-AAI Federation to get guest access in the HU-Box. Members of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin can create folders and files. Other project partners from institutions of the DFN-AAI can use their account to login and have access to shared files and folders.

More information about the new HU-Box feature (in German):



Open Data Day 2017

The international Open Data Day promotes open data in research, industry and public administration.

The international Open Data Day will take place on March 4, 2017. On this day, many events are offered to call attention to the possibilities and potentials of open data.


What is open data?

Open data

  • can be used by anybody.
  • can be transformed and remixed.
  • can be shared and redistributed.
  • can be used for any purpose – even commercially.


Why is not all data open?

Sometimes legal, technical or ethical reasons prohibit data from being more open.


Find out more about sharing and finding data at our website as well as at

In Berlin, an event at Wikimedia will take place this year. More about the events at Open Data Day also at



Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Computer and Media Service | Research data management | News | Guidelines for the handling of research data in psychology

Guidelines for the handling of research data in psychology

The DGPs published own guidelines for the handling of research data.

The German Psychological Society (DGPs) published own discipline-specific principles for research data management. The guidline is detailed and addresses various discipline-specific questions about research data management.


The guideline can be found at the DGPs website (only in German):



Open Access Week 2016

Events during Open Access Week 2016

Poster exhibition "OPEN IN ACTION" in Berlin-Brandenburg

Presented are all facets of open access: structures for publication of scientific results as well as research data bases, longterm digitization strategies as well as innovative pilot projects, infrastructure offerings of libraries as well as singular initiatives. The exhibition will be shown at different places in Berlin and subsequently published as an open access publication.

Place: Foyer of Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum as well as at Free and Technical University

Duration: 24.-28.10.2016


OpenAIRE Lunchtime Webinars

Everyday another topic, always at 12 am CEST.

Monday: The fundamentals of Open Science with Tony Ross-Hellauer, Paola Masuzzo and Chris Hartgerink

Thursday: H2020 Open Access mandate for project coordinators and researchers with Eloy Rodrigues and Pedro Principe

Wednesday: Open Research Data in H2020 and Zenodo repository with Marjan Grootveld and Krzysztof Nowak

Thursday: Policies for Open Science: webinar for research managers and policy makers with Marina Angelaki, Alma Swan and Tony Ross-Hellauer

Friday: OpenAIRE guidelines and broker service for repository managers with Pedro Principe and Paolo Manghi


Duration: 24.-28.10.2016


Helmholtz Open Access Webinar for PhDs

The Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office offers a free webinar about Open Access for PhDs.

Topic: Science is open: an introduction to open access

Target group: Helmholtz-PhDs and guests

Date: 25.10.2016 from 3 pm till 3.30 pm with a rerun at 28.10.2016 from 11.00 till 11.30 am (registration is not necessary)

Further information:


COAR Webinar

The Confederation of Open Access Repositories offers a free webinar about repositories.

Topic: Next Generation Repositories

Date: 25.10.2016 at 10 am (8.00 am GMT) with rerun at 5 pm (3.00 pm GMT)

Further information and registration:


Further events also at



New H2020 example plan

The funding program Horizon 2020 specified new requirements for the creation of data management plans. An updated example plan assists you in your plan creation.

The changes in the funding program Horizon 2020 of the European Commission lead to new requirements for the creation of data management plans. New plans have to be filled out more in detail than before. For this reason a new example plan is available for download. You can find the example plan at create data management plan as well as in our training material at the Media-Repository.
Please contact us in case you have questions regarding your data management plan.

More about the new requirements of the Horizon 2020 program regarding data management:


Call for Posters: Open Access Week 2016

Poster exhibition for Open Access Week 2016 „OPEN IN ACTION“ in Berlin-Brandenburg

This year, Free University, Technical University and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin would like to present scientific open access projects located in Berlin-Brandenburg in a joint poster exhibition on the occasion of Open Access Week. We cordially invite you to present the activities at your higher education institution or research institute in the form of a poster.

Who can take part?

  • All scientific institutions in the Berlin-Brandenburg region


Which content can be presented?

  • Current research projects with key open access reference
  • Long-term open access infrastructure services
  • Current open access infrastructure projects
  • Open access journals and major open access publication projects

When will the submission period end?

  • Please contact the selection committee until August 28, 2016 for a declaration of intent
  • Deadline for the poster is September 23, 2016
  • The committee will select submissions according to content and design until the beginning of October; there might be time for revision

How should the poster look like?


  • Please send all inquiries and submissions to
  • The organization and selection committee consists of
    Free University Berlin: Birgit Schlegel, Christina Riesenweber
    Technical University Berlin: Dagmar Schobert, Michaela Voigt
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Christian Winterhalter, Kerstin Helbig, Niels Fromm

We are looking forward to an exciting Open Access Week with you!



Horizon 2020 update

Open data by default

From 2017 onwards, new research projects within Horizon 2020 will have to provide open data by default. Only in justified cases, data will not have to be shared. Reasons can be

  • intellectual property rights
  • privacy
  • might jeopardise project's main objective

The choice of repository is not restricted. An initial orientation provides the directory

The processing and publication of research data requires good preparation and planning. If you would like to submit a proposal for Horizon 2020, please contact us early.


To the press release:



German RDA Conference 2016

The third German Research Data Alliance Conference will take place in Potsdam from 28th till 29th November 2016.

This year, the German Research Data Alliance Conference will again take place at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam. From 28th till 29th November German stakeholders will meet and discuss research data topics via presentations, posters, breakout sessions and training courses. Participants are invited to choose topics of interest for training courses. The conference will be in German, contributions in English will be accepted as well.

Further information as well as the preliminary programme can be found at the conference website: