Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Research data management

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Computer and Media Service | Research data management | News | DFG Code of Conduct sets extended requirements for researchers

DFG Code of Conduct sets extended requirements for researchers

The German Research Foundation published extended guidelines for safeguarding good research practice.

In 2019, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) published a code of conduct with extended guidelines for safeguarding good research practice. The responsible handling of research data and research software is emphasized in many places in the code. Verifiability and replicability should be ensured by good documentation (if possible according to subject-specific standards), secure storage and archiving. The FAIR Principles are mentioned as a guideline for this.

In addition, the scientific community is encouraged to promote and acknowledge the creation and provision of access to research data and research software as an independent, valuable contribution to research. This includes citation and referencing of data and software in scientific publications.

DFG Code of Conduct Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice:

German version: