Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Research data management

Say, how do you feel about your data? The "Love Data Week"
Love Data Week 2021
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Computer and Media Service | Research data management | News | Say, how do you feel about your data? The "Love Data Week"

Say, how do you feel about your data? The "Love Data Week"

Research data are generated everywhere in the research process, and those who take good care of them do research and publish more easily and better. Love Data Week aims to raise awareness of good data handling in order to promote good scientific practice. Various events will be offered for this purpose during the action week.

The international action week "Love Data Week" has been held annually since 2016 this year, the events of the HU Research Data Management Initiative will take place entirely online:

Monday, February 8, 1 pm: Coffee Lecture "CC licences – a short introduction"

„CC0“ ­­– „CC-BY“ – „CC-BY-SA-ND“: none of this means anything to you? In this coffee lecture, we will introduce you to the widely used CC licenses, how they are structured and what you should consider when using them.

No registration is required. The Coffee Lecture will be held in English, questions can also be asked in German. Just come by and bring your own coffee (or tea): (passcode: 648683)

Materials of the Coffee Lecture: Slides (PPTX), Flyer (English), Flyer (German), Licence overview (PDF)

Tuesday, February 9, 10 am: Workshop Research Data Management at Humboldt Graduate School *already booked out*

During the workshop, the most important best practices and tools for research data management will be presented. Practical exercises will complement the workshop. The workshop will be held in English.

Tuesday, February 9, 1 pm: Workshop Data Publishing at Humboldt Graduate School *already booked out*

In publishing research results, the publication of the associated data is playing an increasingly important role. The workshop informs about the different ways of data publication and shows with practical examples how this can be done successfully. The workshop will be held in English.

Wednesday, February 10, 1 pm: Coffee Lecture "Finding research data – in 15 minutes" (in German)

Where can I find research data that I can re-use? Has anyone already collected data on my research question? We will show you in 15 minutes which ways there are to research data. Registration is not required. Just show up and bring your own coffee (or tea): (passcode: 303196)

Materials of the Coffee Lecture: Slides (PDF, German), Handout (DOCX, German)

Thursday, February 11, 1 pm: Data Escape Room

Let's play! Research data - a horror story? Solve an online escape game together that will teach you a few things about research data management along the way. Please register in advance at:

If you have any questions we will be happy to help:

Friday, February 12, 1 pm: Coffee & Chat (bilingual)

What have you always wanted to ask about research data? Our experts are ready to provide answers and tips. No registration is required. Questions can be asked in both German or English.

Just drop by and bring your own coffee (or tea): (passcode: 105135)