Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Research data management

Limit access

Information about the protection of your data against unauthorized access.

CD with lock
Fig.: 422737 Pixabay CC0
Weak passwords like 123456, passwort, 111111, qwertz, abc123 or admin are still popular. If you are working with sensitive data, a good password is the first step to safe storage.

A strong password:

  • Has at least 8 characters
  • Consists of small and capital letters as well as special characters and numbers
  • Should be changed regularly (approx. every 60 to 90 days)
  • Names, birthdays, words from a dictionary, movie characters or license plates should not be contained (not even written backwards!)
  • Avoid characters that are next to each other on the keyboard
  • Do not simply attach special characters or numbers to a word


In addition, you can also contribute physically to securing your (sensitive) data. Use for example a separate lockable room or cabinet for safekeeping of your storage media. Secure your notebook against theft with a lock. Please note, however: at least two people should have access to your data (e.g. in the case of illness or absence)!

File encryption provides additional protection, especially for uploading data in a cloud environment.