FAQs and Guides
Q&As concerning videoconferencing using Zoom
Who can participate in a Zoom conference?
Zoom is accessible for every employee, student, and Contract lecturers of the HU, as long as they have a HU account. If don't have a HU account, you can inform yourself on the
registration site. With the HU account you register under https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/ (HU Login). Separate Zoom accounts will not be created.
After you sign-in you can create meeting rooms and invite participants to a conference.
Up to 300 people are supported simultaneously. It does not matter if the participants are students or external persons. Just taking part in a conference does not require any registration.
Please use only the site https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/ when you are using HU Zoom.
How do I correctly sign-in to HU Zoom?
HU Zoom uses Single-Sign-On (SSO) for a unified sign-in experience. On https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/ click on HU Login and sign-in with your HU account credentials - not your email address!
On the desktop client, do not enter your email address. Instead look to the right side of the login window and choose sign-in with SSO. When you are being asked for a domain, type in hu-berlin. After that, use your HU account credentials to sign in.
How can contract teachers/lecturers use Zoom?
Contract teachers/lecturers who have no HU account can file an application for it here. After that, you can use HU services like Zoom or VPN.
Where can I register a zoom conference?
Please only use the HU Login (Login with your HU Account). You can find it at https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/ This way, you will be authenticated automatically through your HU account.
If you are using the desktop client of Zoom (Download: https://zoom.us/download) you will find an option to sign-in via SSO on the right hand side of the window. Please enter the domain “hu-berlin” and use your HU account there.
How can I set up a Zoom meeting?
After you have signed in, you can set up a meeting. Please refer to the picture.
In the following window you will be presented with several options. Notwithstanding the beginning or end time you provide here, your conference can be started and ended any time.
With the option “Enable join before host”, you are allowing participants to join the meeting before the host has signed-in.
You can find official manuals on the Zoom website. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362413-Wie-plane-ich-Meetings
How can I join a Zoom conference?
Normally, the host will send you an email with a link to the Zoom meeting. Inside the email, you will find a link that leads directly to the conference. Signing-in is not necessary.
You can also join by using https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/join or by entering the meeting ID in your Zoom client.You can find an introduction on how to use the client here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Wie-nehme-ich-an-einem-Meeting-teil-
How do I conduct a telephone conference in Zoom?
While creating a meeting you can find the following audio option:
By default, audio for both computer and telephone is selected. Setting this to only telephone is not necessary. Under “dial from” you can edit the invitation text and add more countries. Irrespective of what you choose here, you can dial in from many different countries:
E.g. dialing in from Germany can be done by using the number provided in the invitation mail.
(+49) 697 1049922,,meeting-id# Deutschland
(+49) 30 56795800,,meeting-id# DeutschlandDial in current location
+49 69 7104 9922 Deutschland
+49 30 5679 5800 Deutschland
+49 695 050 2596 Deutschland -
How do I join a conference with my browser?
You do not have to download the desktop client. You can instead participate with your browser (Chrome or Firefox).
How many Zoom conferences can I open?
You can create as many Zoom meetings as you want. Each conference can hold up to 300 participants simultaneously. Only one meeting can run at the same time.
I have previously registered with my HU account. What do I have to do now?
Generally speaking, you should not use your HU account to register for external services (Zoom, Skype etc.).
After the first login on https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/ you get the chance to migrate your existing account to the HU instance. Please follow the instructions on screen.
Can I access Zoom from within the administration network (“Verwaltungsnetz”)?
At present, it is not possible to use HU-Zoom from within the administration network (“Verwaltungsnetz”). We recommend using the Zoom app on a smartphone in Eduroam.
Which options can I access in Zoom meetings?
In the lower column of a zoom conference, you will find the following options as host:
- Switching your microphone on and off
- Turning your camera on and off
- Security:
- Activation of the waiting room
- Allow or disable chat
- Allow or disable screen sharing
- Allow or disable name changes
- Removing students manually
- Show or hide list of participants
- Show or hide meeting chat
- Show or hide your own screen for the meeting participants
- Set up and start and complete a small survey
- Record the meeting (please obtain the agreement of all participants)
- Form groups with the help of Breakout Sessions
- Show applause or approval by means of "Reactions".
How do I add Co-Hosts/Moderators to my conference?
When creating a conference you will find an option to add Co-Hosts/Moderators at the end of the form. You can only add persons who successfully registered under HU Zoom. The email address must match the one the user can find under https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/profile.
How can I change my display name?
This can only be done by the CMS user support. Please contact them by mail.
How do I stream my meetings?
This option is deactivated because of privacy and security concerns. You can use external tools like OBS Studio to stream your meetings to an external platform.
- Are there templates for virtual backgrounds?
Data Protection
What is the position of HU and CMS concerning data protection concerns regarding Zoom?
CMS has published a detailed statement on the data protection aspects of Zoom. Please note the continuously updated document (German), in which we try to answer all questions.
What is the position of HU and CMS concerning data protection concerns regarding Zoom?
What can I do in case my video or audio stutters?
Please check if your VPN connection is closed. This will free up valuable bandwidth.
An ethernet cable connection generally is more stable and faster than Wifi. If you cannot avoid using Wifi, you should try to shorten the distance between your computer and the router.
Close all other applications to lessen the strain on your bandwidth and hardware.
People have trouble understanding me. What can I do?
Using a headset is always preferable to factory built-in microphone solutions. It reduces unwanted noise and allows for a more stable and clear transmission of your voice.
Also make sure to maintain heightened discipline while talking. Things that help: a moderator who decides when to speak, muted microphones when they are not needed.
How can I test my video output?
In the settings of the client you can control the video output.
A manual can be found here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362313-Wie-kann-ich-mein-Video-testen-
My camera does not work. What can I do?
In case your camera picture does not show up, there are several things you can try to do. Please refer to: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/202952568-Mein-Video-meine-Kamera-funktioniert-nicht
What can I do in case my video or audio stutters?