Service for HU members Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Computer and Media Service | Portals | Members Service for HU members HU account Application / activation / overview / faq Change or reactivate password Forgot your password? Account information Access to net drive Personal web pages E-mail Webmail Out of office messages, mail forwarding and filter Configuration LDAP e-mail directory SPAM filters Mailing lists Encrypting e-mails Network access WLAN / WLAN FAQ VPN / VPN FAQ What is my IP address? Instructions for PuTTY (console only) and WinSCP Teaching and learning AGNES - online study ans examination portal Moodle - e-learning platform and communication platform Public computer workstations Document and publication server (edoc server) University library Services (selection) HU-Box / File exchange Video conferencing service (BBB, Zoom) Audio and video service Database service / Storage services Online polling service HU central information system HU buildings information system Additionally User help desk Purchase of hardware and software Software service (only by VPN) Job vacancies Regulations Access for web administrators Alumni portal